July 21, 2024

Three Cousins

By Laura Jane Bouton
Three Cousins

You may have thought my "Creative Family History blog series was finished. Well, there is one last chapter, "Three Cousins".  After two generations of just girls, three young boys came along who are now young men.

For those who have been following me for a while know my son Andy (Andrea in Italian) is also a metalsmith. He was born in Italy, and is the oldest of the cousins. He also studied goldsmithing for 5 years in Italy.

When you go to high school in Italy you have to pick a major like we do in college here in the USA. I find it some what silly because no 14 year old girl or boy knows what they want to do in life at that age. Each high school has a main focus, language, accounting, engineering, classical and of course artistic. He chose the artistic high school which offered fashion, graphic design, ceramics and goldsmithing. They had a wonderful studio with at least 10 benches and all the tools that would make any jewelry designer envious. In addition to learning jewelry making techniques he was also required to study your classical subjects like  math, history, languages etc.  High school goes for 5 years in Italy and there are also classes on Saturdays, which was kind of a bummer. Remember? I am not a fan of school unless it is about jewelry making.

He did not continue with metalsmithing after high school but picked it up again when covid changed everyone's lives. He had a lot of time on his hands and I needed help in the studio so it was a win win for both of us. What I admire most about his work is his ability to design a ring on paper. When I sketch out new designs it seems like I did it with my non dominate hand. Being self taught, I did not receive the formal training that he has.


  Of course when he decided to dive back into jewelry making he had to create the most complicated piece ever! What is up with that? He wanted to cast a ring that represented the small town of Fara Filiorum Petri where he grew up. (See photo to the left) He cast it in two parts and solder the sides together and created the buildings with square tubing.  It was quite the project, see finished piece below.




One more Italian village creation, one of my favorites.

  He also likes to incorporate nature in his creations.





He is still finding his way and his own style. He is not sure if he will continue with designing jewelry, but for now, we are both in the studio creating and arguing over the tools. Sometimes, they do not get put back to their proper place and some how nobody is to blame. Maybe studio trolls?


Jack and Erik are my wonderful nephews. Tall, blonde and how I wish I had their hair!! Jack is on the left and Erik on the right. They both also have taken a creative path.
Jack has always had a passion for music. He sings, knows how to play the piano and has always been part of a choral group throughout school and after graduation.  He is now working to become a live sound engineer and is currently working at a local venue here on Cape Cod "The Melody Tent' as a stage hand. I secretly hope he will eventually work with a famous music band and give his loving aunt (me)  a few free tickets. Hint, hint.



Erik, is also known as "twinkle toes" or "La Turista" (Tourist in Italian). He has taken hip hop dancing classes since he was little. Needless to say his dancing recitals were great. Also, he is always getting invited on trips?! When he is not working or in college a friend will always invite him on some road trip, and off he goes.

He is currently in college in Ithaca New York studying film/video and photographic arts. He is definitely living the life as all college students do. He already has a great eye for photography and I know he will go far with his talents. I always love his dark moody photos.

I hope you have enjoyed following  my little family blog series. Normally, I am a very private person and not big on sharing. However,  I did enjoy sharing these tid bits of my family life because I am so grateful to have them. It was nice to go down memory lane with you, Laura.


  • Nancy Markham on September 02, 2024

    Laura, I think it is so wonderful your family has art in their souls. Art that runs through families seems to come out in different are forms some do this others do that. I love hearing of others whose families have this in their blood and gene pool . I love your jewelry and have followed you for a few years you are an amazing artist.

  • Patty Frederick on September 02, 2024

    I’ve loved the “Family Series” you’ve shared with us!! Its heartwarming!!

  • Laura J Bouton on August 13, 2024

    Thank you Jacqueline! I am so glad you enjoyed the blog series, Laura

  • Jacqueline K. Wells on August 13, 2024

    Laura….i not only love all your fabulous jewelry I have avidly read your 3 family blogs. I have really enjoy reading them and getting to know you better.

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