September 15, 2023

Jasper Collection

By Laura Jane Bouton
jasper stones

The jasper gemstone has a special spot in my heart. When I first started my jewelry making path many moons ago, Ocean Jasper was the first stone I wanted to bezel set in a ring. I came across this beautiful wonder on Etsy for the first time and knew I wanted to create many jewelry designs with it. 

A little history.......

Evidence of archeological discoveries shows the jasper stone was a treasured gem, as far back as 1800 BC. It was mostly used for tools, or vases, amulets and can be found is some beautiful Egyptian jewelry in the museums.  How could it not be treasured? It comes in so many different colors and patterns!

jasper gemstones

My favorite is Ocean Jasper, also know as Orbicular Jasper because they have such wonderful orbs. Imperial jasper also makes my heart skip a beat, the photo below is an imperial jasper. It has a beautiful pink and tan hue. I plan on prong setting this one, however I am not sure if I want the prongs in silver or gold, still debating, what do you think?

Jaspers can be found all over the world, however certain colors and or patterns can be unique to certain locations. For example, ocean jasper comes from Madagascar, and Imperial jasper comes from Mexico.

morgan hill poppy jasper

These little Morgan Hill poppy jaspers, (future rings), can be found near the city of Morgan Hill in Northern California. The list of jaspers sometimes seems endless. In addition to ocean, imperial and morgan hill, there is red jasper (most common), brecciated jasper, Landscape jasper (looks like a landscape), Mookaite jasper, kaleidoscope jasper, dalmation jasper and the list goes on and on.

I have quite the stack of bezel settings waiting for their jasper stones. This new collection will have many rings which was the winner of my survey a while back. There will also be necklaces, bracelets and earrings, no worries. The release date is to be determined, big collections take a lot of time for this one woman show. As always I will keep everyone up to date on the progress. You can always follow my progress on my Instagram, @lbouton018.



Shop my jasper jewelry collections HERE

Browse all handmade jewelry designs  HERE

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1 comment

  • Melinda on April 03, 2024

    I saw some great kite shaped jaspers on your Etsy site. Could one be set in a ring, horizontally??

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